

前面我們一堆生物老師改編歌曲唱神經、內分泌、循環、消化實在不稀奇,看看這個更過癮。我剛剛從實驗室裡 實驗室外,看見了一篇PCR之歌

有沒有似曾相識的感覺?這是一家儀器藥廠的廣告。如果你和我一樣是中年大叔或是大嬸,應該對一首歌有印象:We are the world,沒看過的到youtube也看得到,這PCR之歌應該就是模仿它的吧?

「We are the world」這首歌的重點在「We are the world」,那PCR之歌呢?我想最經典的是這個吧?
PCR, when you need to find out who the daddy is


There was a time when to amplify DNA,
You had to grow tons and tons of tiny cells.

Then along came a guy named Dr. Kary Mullis,
Said you can amplify in vitro just as well.

Just mix your template with a buffer and some primers,
Nucleotides and polymerases, too.

Denaturing, annealing, and extending.
Well it's amazing what heating and cooling and heating will do.

PCR, when you need to detect mutations.
PCR, when you need to recombine.
PCR, when you need to find out who the daddy is.
PCR, when you need to solve a crime.